i'm addicted to photoshop...especially with brush!!!
lately i've doin so many things and i must said that i do have fun although sometimes i'm getting tired and moody.tapi kalu buat kerja dengan member member yg cool dan sporting sure kerja best...
and for the past this 2 month...aku dapt try bende bende baru yg cam aku rasa aku takkan dapat buat (bukan tak dapat buat..cuma tak ada masa dan tak da sen) ...time camnie la aku dapat tgk wayang,gie camping,gie holiday,gie main paintball (that was really great!!!...especially when the part you shot the opponent right in their FACE!!! take that mo'fo..now you can call me Tony Montana!!)..
pasnie takda masa dah..kena study...exam nak dekat..!!! and god knows i hate exam
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